Best Naples Itinerary 2 Days In (2024) | Ultimate Guide

Welcome travelers, to the Naples Itinerary 2 Days. Naples is a lively city in Italy, known for its rich history, delicious food and stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. This vibrant city offers picturesque landscapes, vibrant streets, mouthwatering culinary delights and remarkable architecture, including the ancient ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum nearby. In this two-day itinerary, we will explore the populer attractions, local cuisine, and unique experiences. So let’s dive in and make the most of your time in Naples.

Naples Itinerary 2 Days

Naples Itinerary 2 Days:

Day 1: Exploring Ancient Ruins and Local Gems


Duration: 3-4 hours

Start your day by visiting the renowned archaeological site of Pompeii. Take a guided tour or explore at your own pace to discover the remarkably preserved ruins of this ancient Roman city. Marvel at the well-preserved mosaics, walk along the ancient streets, and imagine life as it was back in 79 AD when Mount Vesuvius erupted.

Naples Itinerary 2 Days, Pompeii


Duration: 2-3 hours

Head to the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, located in the heart of the city. This museum houses an extensive collection of artifacts from Pompeii and Herculaneum, and other archaeological sites around Naples. Admire the stunning frescoes, sculptures and mosaics that provide a glimpse into the daily life of the ancient Romans.

Naples Itinerary 2 Days, Archaeological Museum of Naples


Duration: 2-3 hours

Stroll through the vibrant streets of Naples’ historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Experience the bustling atmosphere as you wander through narrow alleyways, marvel at the colorful architecture and indulge in some shopping at the local markets. Don’t forget to stop by Piazza del Plebiscito, one of Naples most famous squares and enjoy a traditional Neapolitan pizza at a local trattoria.

Naples Itinerary 2 Days, Piazza del Plebiscito

Day 2: Natural Beauty and Culinary Delights


Duration: 4-5 hours

Embark on a breathtaking journey to the picturesque island of Capri. Hop on a ferry and admire the stunning views of the coastline as you approach this island paradise. Explore the charming town of Capri, visit the famous Blue Grotto, and take a leisurely stroll through the stunning Gardens of Augustus.

Naples Itinerary 2 Days,  Capri


Duration: 2-3 hours

Indulge your taste buds with a visit to the Amalfi Coast, a short drive from Naples. Marvel at the dramatic coastal cliffs, crystal-clear waters and colorful hillside towns. Take a scenic drive along the famous Amalfi Drive, stopping at the charming town of Positano for a leisurely lunch overlooking the azure sea.

Naples Itinerary 2 Days, Amalfi Coast

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Duration: 3-4 hours

Wrap up your Naples adventure with a visit to the vibrant neighborhood of Spaccanapoli. This lively area is known for its narrow streets, bustling markets and hidden gems. Immerse yourself in the local culture as you explore the lively street art scene, sample authentic street food and enjoy live music at a traditional Naples bar.

Naples Itinerary 2 Days, Spaccanapoli

Accommodations: From Budget to Luxury

Naples offers a wide range of accommodations to suit every budget and preference. Whether you’re looking for a cozy guesthouse, a boutique hotel, or a luxury resort, Naples has it all.

  • Budget : Naples offers affordable options like cozy guesthouses and hostels in areas like Centro Storico, providing basic amenities at pocket-friendly rates.
  • Mid-range : Mid-priced hotels and B&Bs in areas like Chiaia or Vomero offer comfortable stays with decent facilities, often closer to attractions and local transport.
  • Boutique Charm : Unique boutique hotels scattered across the city provide a blend of personalized service, stylish decor and a touch of luxury, perfect for a distinctive experience.
  • Luxury : Naples boasts high-end hotels and resorts along the coastline, offering stunning views, top-notch services and fine dining experiences for a lavish stay.

Local Transportation and Scenic Routes:

Getting around Naples is a breeze with various transportation options at your disposal.

  • Public Transportation : Naples has an efficient public transportation system, including buses, trams and a metro network. Purchase a day pass to save time and money while exploring the city’s attractions.
  • Scenic Routes : For a scenic experience, hop on the Funicular Railway and ascend to the hilltop neighborhood of Vomero. Enjoy panoramic views of the city and Bay of Naples, and explore the medieval Castel Sant’Elmo for a glimpse into Naples’ rich history.
Naples Itinerary 2 Days, Bay of Naples

Local Cuisine:

Naples trip is incomplete without indulging in the delectable local cuisine. Here are some recommendations for a culinary adventure:

  • Pizzerias : Naples is the birthplace of pizza, so be sure to try an authentic Neapolitan pizza at renowned pizzerias like L’Antica Pizzeria da Michele or Sorbillo. You won’t be disappointed.
  • Street Food : Sample mouthwatering street food such as Arancini (fried rice balls), Pizza Fritta (fried pizza dough) and Sfogliatella (a traditional pastry filled with sweet ricotta).
  • Seafood : Naples is famous for its fresh seafood. Head to a local trattoria or seafood restaurant to savor dishes like spaghetti alle vongole (spaghetti with clams) or frittura di pesce (mixed fried seafood).

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Unique Experiences in Naples:

  • Underground Naples : Explore the hidden depths of Naples by visiting the Underground Naples, a labyrinth of tunnels, catacombs and ancient aqueducts. Discover the city’s fascinating history and witness the remnants of different civilizations.
Naples Itinerary 2 Days

  • Gesu Nuovo Square : Visit Gesu Nuovo Square, featuring the stunning Church of Gesu Nuovo. Marvel at its unique facade, adorned with diamond-shaped stone imprints and take a moment to soak in the atmosphere of this historical place.
Naples Itinerary 2 Days, Gesu Nuovo Square

  • Vesuvius National Park : Embark on an adventurous hike to the top of Mount Vesuvius, an active volcano. Enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and gain a deeper understanding of the geological forces that shaped Naples.
Naples Itinerary 2 Days, Vesuvius National Park

Travel Tips:

  • Local Customs : Italians are known for their warm hospitality, so don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation and immerse yourself in the local culture. Remember to greet with a friendly “buongiorno” (good morning) or “buonasera” (good evening).
  • Weather : Naples enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild winters. Pack lightweight clothes and don’t forget sunscreen during the summer months.
  • Travel Advisories : Stay informed about any travel advisories or updates regarding safety and security in Naples. Check with your local embassy or consulate before your trip for the latest information.
  • Useful Information : Carry a map or use a navigation app to navigate the city easily. Be cautious of pickpockets in crowded areas and keep your belongings secure.


This 2 day Naples itinerary is a perfect way to explore the best of this captivating city. From ancient ruins to culinary delights and unique experiences, Naples offers a wealth of attractions that will leave you enchanted. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a food lover or an adventurer, Naples has something to offer everyone. So pack your bags and create memories that will last a lifetime. Happy and safe journey.


How many days should I spend in Naples?

Spending around 2 to 3 days in Naples allows enough time to explore its main attractions, savor local cuisine, and take day trips to nearby sites like Pompeii or the Amalfi Coast. Adjust based on your interests and pace.

Is Naples a walkable city?

Yes, Naples is walkable in many areas, especially the historic center. It’s filled with narrow streets and bustling squares, making it enjoyable to explore on foot. However, some parts might require transportation due to hills or distance.

What is the best month to visit Naples Italy?

The best months to visit Naples are typically from April to June or September to October. These periods offer pleasant weather, fewer crowds, and a great balance for enjoying the city’s attractions and outdoor activities.

Is Naples friendly to tourists?

Yes, Naples is generally friendly to tourists. Locals are often warm and welcoming, eager to share their city’s culture, food, and history. Like any big city, it’s good to be mindful of your surroundings, but overall, visitors find a hospitable atmosphere in Naples.

Is Naples worth visiting?

Absolutely, Naples is definitely worth visiting. It’s a vibrant city fillup with history, amazing food, stunning views and a unique Italian charm that leaves a lasting impression on visitors.

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